Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 37 - April 9

Finally it's my turn to present my C# project to Mr Ma,
Won't know if i did well or not but i tried my best, that's the most important part.
Always learn from other people mistakes is something that is important in life as some mistakes kills, just like my C# programming i didn't re-do or try to make a vase project which have no actual value except for pretty interfaces like some of them did. In China i got to understand words that my parents have been telling me since young.

After the presentation went with Jit Siong to the shop which sells fireworks as the MDE students might come over to out campus to see us lighting up the fireworks but in the end they didn't as our campus is really out of town unlike them. The fireworks shop people are extremely helpful to the extend that they are willing to wait for us to come before closing the shop, unlike in Singapore where shops chases the customers out because it's closing, in China shops closes when all the customers are out of the shop. This service is absent in Singapore as business come easy and they are not hard up for customers like in China.

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