Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 14 - March 17

Waking up at 0630am wasn't an easy task
Waking up Jit Siong at 0630am was impossible,

It took a full one hour to get from 中南分校 to the main branch of WUST where those lucky MDE people are staying and the worst part is that the School Bus didn't have enough seat and we had to share seats. In China everything are packed like sardine especially their public bus.

After reaching WUST main branch we took the special bus to 武汉钢铁企业 or known as 武钢 this is their website http://www.wisco.com.cn/wisco_en/ . It's one of the biggest five steel making plants in China.

They have their own set of transport system which consist of roads and rail to transport the steel bar and rolls of steel plates. their plant was so huge that they have their own dormitories for the workers. It was very dusty and the air was bad,

Although photography wasn't allows, it doesn't matters anymore. We went in to see how Steel plate was made, the bar of steel was glowing bight red and I could feel the heat even as I quite a distance away from the molten steel bar. The noise was very loud in the plant and it could cause deaf in long run but i don't see the workers wearing ear mufflers, this show that China industries safety is as high as Singapore's, with the ever radiating heat coming from the steel bars the workers are exposed to the elements when they work in such plants and it would be harmful to the body in long run.

The tour of the plant ended as soon as it started, although is was mostly full automatic process it isn't what I had seen on discovery channel. the process belt was not as advance and it uses rollers to transport the hot bars and uses water jet to cool the steel bars to make it into steel plates.

We stopped at 鲁行 rather at at WUST as Mr Chua and Mr Ma instructed the driver to do so. We had to squeeze with the lunctime crowd to take bus 903 back to WUST, had 1APPG again at 3pm.

Had soccer before going for dinner, it's the first outdoor exercise I had since I left Singapore, and i had tons and tons of indoor and outdoor food.

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