Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 18 - March 21

Wudang mountain Day1,

It's never easy. Took a bus all the way from WUST to the another end of Hubei, it took about six hours and all of us were cramped and famished when we reach there. Lunch was not really fabulous as compared to what we had during three gorges but most importantly there was free flow of rice.

When you are hungry everything taste good,

Free flow of rice was a blessing,

Althought some dishes really taste awfully,

But every things was finished in no time.

The road up Wudang mountain was curvy and small, when the bus take corners it feels just like playing Initial-D. The ever present risk of over steering and plunging all the way down was ever present.All of Wudang mountain dustbins have funny translation which means totally things from what the Chinese words means. But having funny translation does make tourist look at the dustbin and they would throw their rubbish in in.

Met Randolf and his D60 again,

At Wudang mountain it's all about walking, and looking at funny translation on dustbin covers

And Chinese peoples believe in tieing a piece of cloth on the trees here for luck,

Another funny dustbin cover

Wudang is famous for it's martial arts and sword arts,

We saw how the kids there trained, they had been training everyday since young thus their martial arts are better than Singaporeans.

We trying out some stuns after seeing how they trained
ma师傅 teaching us his martial arts

After 太子坡and 紫霄宫 we went to the end of the cliff to see how a palace is build on a cliff

The sun was setting by the time we reach there
And it's the usual walking and climbing stairs
A picture with out tour guide after dinner at the same place with the legendary toilet as almost every toilet bowl is overflowing and the floor is full of water which you wouldn't know if it's pee or poo until u taste it.

And we are off to rest for the night in a hotel

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